Intro to Supporting Voice Hearers
This is a group training. Contact us to schedule one for your team! This course can be provided virtually or in-person, and can be anywhere from 1-5 hours long, depending on desired depth of content. The cost is $300/hour.
The aim of this training is to provide information about the voice-hearing experience from a peer perspective, and give practical tools to support and communicate with voice-hearers and people experiencing altered states. It will also cover the free resources CTHVN can provide to voice-hearers.
While this training is primarily aimed at those in a role supporting voice-hearers (such as clinicians, therapists, families, first responders, peer specialists, etc.), it is a great option for any group looking to learn more about the voice-hearing experience, and can be tailored to meet specific needs. Contact us to learn more about what this training can do for you!