Video References
The following videos are ones we've selected that we hope can help further explain the Hearing Voices Movement approach and voice-hearing experiences as a whole.
If you know of a video you think would go well here, please let us know here!

Beyond Possible:
How the Hearing Voices Approach Transforms Lives
This fantastic film was sponsored by the Hearing Voices Research and Development Fund of the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care, as part of a collaborative training and research project between Mount Holyoke College and the Wildflower Alliance (Formerly the Western Mass Recovery Learning Center). It a spectacular look into the experiences of voice hearers.
From the video's description:
"Hearing voices and other unshared perceptions can be frightening for the person experiencing them and for their loved ones, often leading to years of unhelpful involvement in the mental health care system. This short film gives first-hand accounts of how voice hearers are coming together in community to find meaning and share wisdom to navigate those experiences and live full lives.
Since 2012, Open Excellence donors have been sharing the hope of the Hearing Voices approach, funding research and training new support group facilitators across the United States and along the Pacific Rim."
Olga Runciman: HVN Denmark
Olga Runciman is the Chair of the Danish Hearing Voices Network. Originally a psychiatric nurse, she herself became a patient, and experienced the full force of psychiatric treatment before making a full recovery.
runciman.dk | stemmehoerer.dk
Marty Hadge: Open Paradigm Project
Testimonial produced for Open Paradigm Project content campaign "Moving Beyond Psychiatric Labels."
For more info please visit openparadigmproject.com
Eleanor Longden: The Voices in My Head Ted Talk
Diagnosed with schizophrenia, hospitalized, drugged, Longden was discarded by a system that didn't know how to help her. Longden tells the moving tale of her years-long journey back to mental health, and makes the case that it was through learning to listen to her voices that she was able to survive.
Rachel's Recovery from Psychiatric Labeling & Unnecessary Treatment
After suffering abuse as a child, Rachel began to hear voices while a teenager and went to a psychiatrist for help. Years of hospital and drug treatment followed. However Rachel only recovered once she changed her mindset and began to embrace her ‘symptoms’ as a meaningful response to childhood trauma.
Compassion for Voices
This film by Rufus May & Eleanor Longden is about how the compassionate approach to relating with voices can change interactions and open new possibilities.
Hearing Voices Network WA - You Hear We Listen
Hearing Voices Network WA (HVNWA) is part of the global Hearing Voices Movement.
It is a resource for people living in Western Australia who hear voices and a place for the voice-hearing community to access relevant information via training, workshops and hearing voices support groups.